Quick Installation & Configuration Guide for the ROSE Telegram BOT for Beginners

Telegram admin posted 23-07-2024 15:07:23 370 views

Many of you are probably using Telegram Group to develop your own communities. However, when the community grows too quickly, it can lead to many spam members, virus links, inappropriate language, etc., and you can't be online 24/7 to manage it. Solutions like Combot and other bots require high fees, but personally, I prefer using BOT Telegram ROSE because it is both FREE and easy to configure.

Below, I will provide a quick and concise guide by offering instructions and commands. You only need to copy/paste (or make slight modifications) to complete the configuration. For advanced commands, please refer to the documentation of Telegram BOT ROSE for further configuration. As for me, I have experimented a lot and find the setup below sufficient.

1. Install the Telegram ROSE BOT / Marie into the Telegram Group
Install the MISS ROSE BOT / Marie into the Telegram Group:
  • Search in the chat window for @MissRose_Bot or visit the link: https://t.me/MissRose_bot
  • Then add "her" as an Admin of the Group, remember to disable the permissions for adding admins and changing group info
2. Configure the Telegram MISS ROSE BOT / Marie on Telegram Group

Starting the configuration is very easy. After adding the Bot and setting the Bot permissions, go to your Group, and enter (copy/paste the following command)

Disable Member Access

Disable member access to bot functions, so only admins can access these functions.

/disable adminlist approval connect fedadmins fedinfo fedsubs runs saved warnings warns rules notes locktypes locks kickme info id flood filters
Set Language

Set the Vietnamese language for the bot.

/setlang VI
Set Captcha

Set Captcha text to verify users are not bots.

/setmutetext If you are not a BOT, click here
Enable Mute for New Members

Automatically mute new members when they join the group, preventing them from sending messages until they complete the Captcha verification.

/welcomemute on
Set Welcome Message

Set a personalized welcome message for new members.

/setwelcome Hello {fullname}! Welcome to {chatname}!
Lock Specific Features

Lock certain features in member chats, preventing them from sending URLs, phone numbers, emails, contact information, commands, buttons, and adding bots to the group.

/lock url rtl phone location game forward email contact command button bot
Enable Warnings for Violations

Enable warnings when the bot deletes a member's message for violating lock commands.

/lockwarns on
Whitelist Specific URLs

Allow certain URLs to be posted in the group without being deleted by the bot.

/whitelist gafaba.com domain1.com domain2.net domain3.org
Anti-Spam Settings

Set anti-spam limits to prevent members from sending too many messages in a short time.

/setflood 11
Mute on Spam

Set the handling mode for spam violations, muting members for a certain period.

/setfloodmode tmute 4w
Remove Service Messages

Service messages like member joins or leaves will be automatically deleted to keep the chat cleaner.

/cleanservice on
Here are some user questions and how to handle them:
  1. Change bot avatar

    Currently, I see that the bot does not allow you to change its avatar.

  2. Disable welcome message

    Use the following command:

    /welcome off
    /welcome no

    Disable the bot's welcome message when new members join.

  3. Automatically delete old welcome messages

    Yes, you can use the following command: (with this command, when a new member joins, it will delete some previous welcome messages)

    /cleanwelcome on
    /cleanwelcome yes

    This command will automatically delete old welcome messages when new members join the group, helping to keep the conversation clean from cluttered welcome messages.

  4. Member management

    Kick a member out of the Group:

    /kick <@username or UserID>
    Kick a member from the group based on their username or UserID.

    Mute a member permanently:

    /mute <@username or UserID>
    Permanently mute a member, preventing them from chatting in the group.

    Unmute a member:

    /unmute <@username or ID>
    Unmute a member, allowing them to chat in the group again.

    Temporarily mute a member for a certain period:

    /tmute @username 30m  | Xm : X is the number of minutes; Xh: X is the number of hours; Xd: X is the number of days; Xw: X is the number of weeks
    Temporarily mute a member for a certain period. For example, 30m is 30 minutes.

    Ban a member permanently:

    /ban <@username or ID>
    Permanently ban a member from the group.

    Temporarily ban a member for a certain period:

    /tban <@username or ID> 30m | Xm : X is the number of minutes; Xh: X is the number of hours; Xd: X is the number of days; Xw: X is the number of weeks
    Temporarily ban a member for a certain period. For example, 30m is 30 minutes.

    Unban a member:

    /unban <@username or ID>
    Unban a member, allowing them to return to the group.